2024 ASR Membership Survey
The Association for the Sociology of Religion (ASR) Council and Membership Committee ask that you take a few moments to complete this brief survey which asks questions about the ASR, the ASR annual conference, and other items designed to help ensure we are meeting the needs of members. The Association for the Sociology of Religion last surveyed its membership in 2014, and we know much has changed in the world and in the field since then.
This survey is anonymous, and the disaggregated data will only be used by the Association for internal planning purposes. All questions are optional.
The survey will close at 11:59pm (U.S. Eastern Time) on June 30th, 2024
If you have questions about this survey, please contact Carol Ann MacGregor, Chair, Membership Committee carolann.macgregor@uwaterloo.
The deadline for taking the ASR Membership survey is now past.