9 06, 2024

Call for proposals:  ASR book series “Religion and the Social Order”


General Editor: Abby Day, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK

Editorial Committee: Lori Beaman, University of Ottawa, Canada, Michele Dillon, University of New Hampshire, USA, David Herbert, University of Bergen, Norway, Roberta Ricucci, University of Turin, Italy, Federico Settler, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, Rhys Williams, Loyola University, Chicago, USA, and Melissa M. Wilcox, University of California at Riverside, USA.

The series welcomes manuscripts – monographs or edited volumes – addressing a particular set of current interests within the sociology of religion. It specifically aims to advance theory and research within this field of study. Contributors to the series will be or are expected to become Association for the Sociology of Religion (ASR) members. The series seeks to publish at least one volume […]

Call for proposals:  ASR book series “Religion and the Social Order”2024-06-09T16:22:17-04:00
9 06, 2024

Institute for Religion, Culture and Societal Futures (IRCSF)


We have some good news for the social scientific and empirical study of religion! Carol Ann MacGregor, Galen Watts and myself (Sarah Wilkins-LaFlamme) are very pleased to announce the launch of a new Canadian initiative, in partnership with St-Jerome’s University and the University of Waterloo: the Institute for Religion, Culture and Societal Futures (IRCSF).

The Institute for Religion, Culture and Societal Futures (IRCSF) aims to be a new hub for social scientific and empirical research related to religion, spirituality, and emerging forms of communities of belief and practice. The IRCSF is non-partisan, and brings together both resident and visiting scholars working in the fields of sociology of religion and the social scientific study of religion to support undergraduate and graduate students, researchers, community […]

Institute for Religion, Culture and Societal Futures (IRCSF)2024-06-09T16:18:48-04:00
23 05, 2024

Conference acceptance decisions will be made by May 31st


This is a general email to all ASR constituents. If you are not participating in the 2024 conference in Montreal, you can disregard this email. If you submitted a session or paper abstract for consideration for the 2024 conference, please know those decisions will be made by May 31. For any questions, contact Co-Program Chair, Andrea Henderson, at AKHENDER@mailbox.sc.edu. You can learn more about the conference by visiting the annual meeting page on the ASR website.

Registration for our 2024 annual meeting in Montreal is now open. Log into your ASR account on the ASR website and click the Register for a Conference button. You can make your room reservations here. Be sure to use group code: ASR0822 to get the conference […]

Conference acceptance decisions will be made by May 31st2024-05-23T17:17:30-04:00
10 05, 2024

ASR Updates from the Executive Officer


1) The deadline for submitting paper abstracts for our 2024 conference has been extended to May 15. Remember that you need to be a current ASR member to submit a paper abstract. Log into your ASR account on the ASR website and click the Submit Abstract button. For any questions, contact Co-Program Chair, Andrea Henderson, at AKHENDER@mailbox.sc.edu or me at rmkraus@bsu.edu. You can learn more about the conference by visiting the annual meeting page on the ASR website. If you need to (re)join the ASR, please click on the Become a Member Join ASR Today button on the ASR homepage.

2) Registration for our 2024 annual meeting in Montreal is now open. Log into your ASR account on the ASR website and click the Register […]

ASR Updates from the Executive Officer2024-05-10T07:44:20-04:00
2 05, 2024

Four Reminders and an announcement from the ASR Executive Officer


1) NEW: The deadline for submitting paper abstracts for our 2024 conference has been extended to May 15. Remember that you need to be a current ASR member to submit a paper abstract. Log into your ASR account on the ASR website and click the Submit Abstract button. For any questions, contact Co-Program Chair, Andrea Henderson, at AKHENDER@mailbox.sc.edu or me at rmkraus@bsu.edu. You can learn more about the conference by visiting the annual meeting page on the ASR website. If you need to (re)join the ASR, please click on the Become a Member Join ASR Today button on the ASR homepage.

2) Registration for our 2024 annual meeting in Montreal is now open. Log into your […]

Four Reminders and an announcement from the ASR Executive Officer2024-05-02T15:27:00-04:00
22 04, 2024

ASR News & Reminders, April 22 2024


I am writing with several friendly reminders.

1) The deadline for submitting paper abstracts for our 2024 conference has been extended to MAY 14th. Log into your ASR account on the ASR website and click the Submit Abstract button. For any questions, contact Co-Program Chair, Andrea Henderson, at AKHENDER@mailbox.sc.edu or me at rmkraus@bsu.edu. You can learn more about the conference by visiting the annual meeting page on the ASR website.

2) Registration for our 2024 annual meeting in Montreal is now open. Log into your ASR account on the ASR website and click the Register for a Conference button. You can make your room reservations here.

3) We continue to accept submissions for […]

ASR News & Reminders, April 22 20242024-04-24T15:00:18-04:00
29 02, 2024

ASR News & Announcements — Feb 28, 2024


I hope all is well with you. I am writing several important announcements regarding the ASR election, conference submissions, and grants/awards opportunities.

  1. The 2024 ASR election is now open. Please log into your ASR account at sociologyofreligion,org and click on the box to cast your ballot. This year we are electing a President-Elect and three council members. The election will remain open until March 15, 2024.
  2. The deadline for the Gallagher Grants has been extended to March 15, 2024. You can learn more about these and other grants/awards on the ASR website and apply for the competitions by logging into […]
ASR News & Announcements — Feb 28, 20242024-04-19T11:25:30-04:00
14 02, 2024

ASR Elections and Annual Meeting Announcements


1) Elections

The 2024 ASR election is now open. Please log into your ASR account at sociologyofreligion,org and click on the box to cast your ballot. This year we are electing a President-Elect and three council members.

2) 2024 Annual Meeting

We are now accepting paper abstracts, mini workshops, and complete session proposals for our 2024 conference in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Please log into your ASR account at sociologyofreligion.org to upload your submission. For any questions, contact the C0-Program Chairs, Andrea Henderson-Platt (akhender@mailbox.sc.edu) & Aida Ramos. You can learn more about the conference by visiting the annual meeting page on the ASR website. You can make your room reservations here.

Our 2024 conference will once again feature two symposium. […]

ASR Elections and Annual Meeting Announcements2024-04-19T11:26:26-04:00
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