8 02, 2024

CFP for Sociology of Religion at the Nov 2024 AAR


We are happy to announce our CFP for the AAR Annual Meeting in San Diego during Nov. 23-26, 2024. Proposals are due on February 29, 2024, at 5:00 EST.   You can find our CFP below or visit our webpage here: https://papers.aarweb.org/pu/sociology-religion-unit

Instructions for submitting proposals can be found here:

We hope you’ll consider submitting a paper, panel, or roundtable proposal. You don’t need to be an AAR member in order to submit a proposal. And we’re glad to answer any questions you may have. Need help submitting a proposal? Contact papers_support@aarweb.org.

Warmest wishes,
Dusty & Di Di
Co-Chairs of the AAR Sociology of Religion Unit

Call for Proposals

The purpose of the Sociology of Religion Unit of the American Academy […]

CFP for Sociology of Religion at the Nov 2024 AAR2024-02-08T14:46:39-05:00
15 01, 2024

January Message from the ASR Executive Officer


From ASR Executive Officer Rachel Kraus
January 15, 2024

Happy New Year! The ASR wishes you and yours a very happy and healthy 2024. I am writing with important information about our conference, submissions, and grants/awards.

  1. We are now accepting paper abstracts, mini workshops, and complete session proposals for our 2024 conference in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. For any questions, contact the C0-Program Chairs, Andrea Henderson-Platt (akhender@mailbox.sc.edu) & Aida Ramos. You can learn more about the conference by visiting the annual meeting page on the ASR website. You can make your room reservations here.
  2. We are also accepting submissions for our various grants, papers, and award competitions. You can learn more about these competitions on the ASR website and […]
January Message from the ASR Executive Officer2024-04-19T11:27:04-04:00
9 01, 2024

2024 ASR Theme: “Religion & Intersectionality”; ASR Grants and Awards


The theme for this year’s annual meeting is “Religion and Intersectionality.” The meeting will be held August 9-11, 2024 at the Hotel Monville in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.  Our President, Grace Yukich, and Co-Program Chairs, Andrea Henderson-Platt and Aida Ramos, have promised to make this year’s meeting unique in terms of both its intellectual content and social gatherings.  We can look forward to unique sessions, workshops, our Presidential and Furfey lectures, and receptions.  As usual, we will begin our meeting with an Opening Night Reception on Friday, August 9.  Our awards ceremony will recognize the winners of the McNamara Student Paper Award, Distinguished Sociology of Religion Article Award, and the Lifetime Achievement Award.

Be sure to check the website (www.sociologyofreligion.org) for submitting […]

2024 ASR Theme: “Religion & Intersectionality”; ASR Grants and Awards2024-04-19T11:24:23-04:00
30 12, 2023

Consider a Tax-Deductible Gift to the ASR


In 2023, the Association for the Sociology of Religion (ASR) celebrated 85 years of advancing theory and scholarship in the sociology of religion. As we emerge from the disruptions of a global pandemic and strategize for the coming year, we ask that you consider contributing a tax-deductible financial donation as part of your year-end giving to support the mission of ASR.

Just in this past year, we celebrate:

  • A successful annual meeting in Philadelphia featuring 51 sessions, panels, and workshops
  • New awards recognizing outstanding scholarship, including a Lifetime Achievement Award for R. Stephen Warner
  • Fresh distribution of $20,000 in grant funding for research and travel
  • Colleagues dedicating service on ASR committees and executive council
  • Strong participation by our international membership
  • Continued efforts […]
Consider a Tax-Deductible Gift to the ASR2023-12-30T14:37:11-05:00
29 11, 2023

Job Opening, University of Hawaii at Hilo


University of Hawai’i at Hilo, Instructor of Sociology (#82821)

Position Description
UH-Hilo, College of Arts & Sciences, non-tenure-track, general funds, full-time, nine-month appointment to begin approximately August 2024, pending position clearance and availability of funding.

Teach courses in Sociology (12 credits per semester). Provide academic advising to students. Engage in scholarly activities, and/or creative endeavors which contribute to the mission of the University. Participate in department, academic, university and community service.

Minimum Qualifications
ABD in Sociology (or Master’s in Sociology with ABD/PhD in a closely related field such as Social Work) from an accredited college or university with expected completion by start of employment. Experience teaching or description of ability to teach CORE sociology courses such as Introductory Sociology, Social Statistics, and/or Social Research Methods. […]

Job Opening, University of Hawaii at Hilo2023-11-29T11:36:30-05:00
27 11, 2023

Lake Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships on Faith and Giving


The Lake Institute on Faith & Giving is pleased to announce the 2024-2025 Lake Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship for doctoral students whose research engages issues at the intersection of religion and philanthropy or faith and generosity. While the intersection of faith and giving is key to our mission, we are glad to receive a broad range of proposals that consider these topics together. 

Lake Institute helps to promote the emerging field of faith and giving by supporting the work of scholars. This one-year fellowship is given annually to support the final year of dissertation writing for a doctoral […]

Lake Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships on Faith and Giving2023-11-27T19:26:52-05:00
11 09, 2023

ASR News and Announcements 9/1/2023


ASR News & Announcements

Rachel Kraus, Executive Officer

In many ways, the Association for the Sociology of Religion has enjoyed much success over the past year and is in excellent shape as we enter 2024.  Our 84th annual meeting was a great success.  Highlights of this year’s meeting included Gerardo Martí’s Presidential Address, “Racial Justice and Racialized Religion:  Are White Progressive Christians Getting it Right?” and Penny Edgell’s Furfey Lecture, “After Restructuring:  Understanding the American Religious Landscape of the Twenty-first Century.”  We offered a wide range of sessions, including two symposia on race and religion and the global south, and ASR/ASA Joint Mentoring Sessions.  Further […]

ASR News and Announcements 9/1/20232023-09-11T10:49:16-04:00
12 06, 2023

ASR News and Announcements (June 3, 2023)


The theme for this year’s annual meeting is “Justice and Religion.” The meeting will be held August 19–21, 2023 at the Bellevue Hotel Philadelphia. We will begin with a Welcome Reception on the evening of Saturday, August 19. We are planning this reception as a joint reception with the ASA Religion Section. The ASA Sociology of Religion Section day is Saturday, August 19.

Our President, Gerardo Marti, and Program Chair, Ruth Braunstein, have promised to make this year’s meeting unique in terms of both its intellectual content and social gatherings. We can look forward to receptions, unique thematic sessions, the Presidential address, and our Furfey lecture with Penny Edgell from the University of Minnesota.

The ASR elections have closed. We elected a […]

ASR News and Announcements (June 3, 2023)2023-06-12T19:58:00-04:00
5 01, 2022

Seeking New Editor for Sociology of Religion


Call for Applications: Editor of Sociology of Religion
Submission Deadline: August 1st, 2022

The Association for the Sociology of Religion (ASR) invites applications for the position Editor of
ASR’s journal, Sociology of Religion. The journal has a distinguished record of publishing
exceptional sociological research on all facets of religion and spirituality, along with a robust
two-year (3.476) impact factor, placing it as the top journal in the sociology of religion, and a
top 25 journal in sociology more broadly.

The journal is published by Oxford University Press on a quarterly basis and is highly
competitive, with an 11% acceptance rate and around 200 manuscripts submitted annually. The
journal is also highly efficient, […]

Seeking New Editor for Sociology of Religion2023-07-03T16:09:47-04:00
22 02, 2021

ASR News and Announcements


The theme for this year’s annual meeting is “Communicating Religion’s Relevance.” In light of the pandemic, our meeting will be a virtual one August 7-9, 2021.  Our President, James C. Cavendish, and Program Chair, Brian Starks, have promised to make this year’s meeting unique in terms of both its intellectual content and social gatherings.  We can look forward to unique Presidential sessions, our Presidential and Furfey lectures, and receptions.  In addition to our regular sessions and speakers, the Program Committee is working to provide a virtual café where people can visit and network.  Be sure to check the website (www.sociologyofreligion.com) for submitting completed sessions, paper abstracts, and meeting registration.

Keep an eye out for the ASR elections.  We will elect three […]

ASR News and Announcements2021-02-22T17:52:13-05:00
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