1) Elections

The 2024 ASR election is now open. Please log into your ASR account at sociologyofreligion,org and click on the box to cast your ballot. This year we are electing a President-Elect and three council members.

2) 2024 Annual Meeting

We are now accepting paper abstracts, mini workshops, and complete session proposals for our 2024 conference in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Please log into your ASR account at sociologyofreligion.org to upload your submission. For any questions, contact the C0-Program Chairs, Andrea Henderson-Platt (akhender@mailbox.sc.edu) & Aida Ramos. You can learn more about the conference by visiting the annual meeting page on the ASR website. You can make your room reservations here.

Our 2024 conference will once again feature two symposium. The submission process for these symposium is different than our regular conference submission.

Symposium #1: “What can the Global South teach us about religion and intersectionality?”

This year’s symposium invites scholars to apply the ASR conference theme, “Religion and Intersectionality”, from a Global South point-of-view. We invite presentations that address any of the following questions:

  1. In a bid to develop innovative approaches to studying religion that emphasize its intersections with other social institutions, what can sociologists of religion learn from the global South?
  2. How do studies of Global South religions expand the concept of intersectionality in sociological discourse in relation to power dynamics and to the identity politics of religion, gender, race, ethnicity, social class, and justice?
  3. How does intersectionality provide the necessary contextual and methodological framework for understanding instantiations of religious imagination and popular culture in the global South?
  4. What challenges lie particularly in the formulation of more adequate models of social analysis for understanding religion and intersectionality in both the Global South and the Global North?
  5. How have empirical studies exploring these processes formed an established genre of sociological research in the Global South in the last decades? What can those studies teach sociologists of religion worldwide?

Those wishing to present as part of this symposium should send a title/abstract proposal (not more than 250 words), and one paragraph bio-data (including your institutional affiliation) to the symposium organizers by February 25th: Afe Adogame: afe.adogame@ptsem.edu and Jim Spickard: jim_spickard@redlands.edu

Symposium #2: Interdisciplinary Scholars of Race and Religion

Studies of race and religion have produced valuable insights since DuBois wrote on the Souls of Black Folk. Although knowledge creation in the area of race and religion is robust, it has been hampered by disciplinary silos. Sociology, religious studies, anthropology, psychology, and theology each inform understandings of how religion is raced, yet, too often, these scholarly initiatives operate in isolation. To bridge these divides, and in cooperation with the Religion and Public Life Program at Rice University, we invite submissions to our second annual interdisciplinary Race and Religion symposium.

Interested participants should submit an abstract related to the proposed session topics of no more than 250 words to Oneya Fennell Okuwobi (okuwobof@ucmail.uc.edu) and Rachel Schneider (rsv2@rice.edu). The deadline for submissions is 11:59pm on March 8th.

3) Grants & Awards

We are also accepting submissions for our various grants, papers, and award competitions. You can learn more about these competitions on the ASR website and apply for the competitions by logging into your ASR account.

4) A Reminder

If you experience any trouble with your account or have questions, please email me for assistance. We continue to make upgrades to our website and membership system. We appreciate your patience.