Azusa Pacific University in Azusa, California will hold this cross-discipline conference October 12-14, 2017. The conference theme is “Reformation Reverberations:  Consequences & Challenges of Change.” The plenary speakers will be Mia M. Mochizuki, Associate Professor of the History of Art (New York University, Abu Dhabi and Institute of Fine Arts) and Brad S. Gregory, Dorothy G. Griffin Professor of Early Modern European History (University of Notre Dame). The conference invites participation from a wide array of disciplines, including but not limited to religious studies, theology, history, literature, philosophy, sociology, psychology, music, and art.  The conference welcomes papers dealing with the socio-historical impact of the Reformation, the intellectual conundrums posed and answered by reformers and their counterparts, the questions of social and personal identity, the quagmire of autonomy, the political ramifications of the break, current manifestations of continuing tensions, and efforts to bridge the divide.  The call for papers is forthcoming.