The Religious Research Association announces its annual competition for the Constant R. Jacquet Research Award to support research in religion. Applied, client-centered projects are given priority, but basic social scientific research on any aspect of religion is also regularly funded.  Proposals from students, especially Ph.D. candidates and scholars who are in the early stages of their careers are particularly encouraged. Applicants are required to be members of the RRA. Full-time students may join the Association at the time of their application. All others must have become members in the RRA in the year immediately prior to their application.

Funding may be used for research expenses, but not for supplemental income or capital equipment. Grants in excess of $4,000 to a single recipient/agency are rare. Applicants will be notified of the disposition of their applications by June 15 and will be asked to submit a written acceptance of their awards within two weeks of notification. Awards become available July 1st. Recipients should plan to expend the grant within one year after accepting the award and should note RRA support in all reports of the research for which they received the grant. Award recipients are encouraged to submit their research reports for possible publication in the Review of Religious Research, subject to editorial review. Award recipients are required to provide the Executive Officer with an abstract and a one-page summary of the research at its conclusion.

Applications must be received by 30 April 2016.

Interested persons can obtain application instructions here.