ASR News2023-02-01T22:50:19-05:00

2305, 2015

ASR News & Announcements – 2015 Elections and Awards

This year’s annual meeting will be held August 20-22, 2015, at an elegant hotel with a notorious history — the Renaissance Blackstone Chicago Hotel, located immediately north of the ASA’s Hilton Chicago and overlooking the Buckingham Fountain, Grant Park, and Lake Michigan.  The hotel features a tapas restaurant, stylish rooms, and a grand Crystal Ballroom.  Since its opening in 1910, many famous – and not so famous – figures […]

2904, 2015

Visiting Instructor Position in Religious Studies at the University of South Florida

University of South Florida. The Department of Religious Studies invites applications for a 9-month Visiting Instructor I position beginning Fall 2015 with the possible extension for up to three years. We are seeking a candidate who is an outstanding teacher with a deep interest in pedagogy as well as theoretical and methodological issues in the study of religion. Candidates must hold a Ph.D. in religious studies or in one […]

1302, 2015

Call for Papers from journal Sociology of Religion for Advanced Graduate Students

The editors of Sociology of Religion: A Quarterly Review are now soliciting essays (25 page maximum or 7,000 words, all inclusive) built on dissertations in process. Focused on advanced graduate students, the essay should speak specifically to your scholarship, yet generally to sociologists interested in religion by presenting a central idea of relevance to our readership. In addition, the essay should also reflect on the process of developing as a sociologist whose scholarship includes a […]

2601, 2015

American Academy of Religion, Sociology of Religion Group’s Call for Papers

The Sociology of Religion Group (SOR) aims to bridge the gap between sociology of religion and religious studies. For the most part, these fields have been isolated from each other with scholars from each existing in separate departments, attending different meetings, and publishing in different journals. We believe that this cloistering has hindered the development of both fields and that only a cross-fertilization that transgresses departmental boundaries can foster […]

2201, 2015

Asian Pacific Islander Catholic Survey Invitation

Dear friends and colleagues,

I along with Drs. Tricia Bruce and Stephen Cherry are conducting a national survey of Asian Pacific Islander Catholics. May we ask for your help in disseminating this survey announcement to any and all individuals you may know for whom this applies?

The survey team has constructed invitations in 13 Asian-specific languages which I attach here (all with direct links to the survey). I also attach a […]

2201, 2015

UC Riverside, Department of Religious Studies, Job Advertisement

The Department of Religious Studies is seeking to fill the following Lecturer positions for Spring of 2015. Applicants should apply before the initial review date, which is February 23rd, 2015.

Spring Quarter 2015

Mar. 30, 2015 to June 12, 2015

RLST 014 Religion and Science
Course Description:
Covers major themes in the relation of science and religion. Primary focus is on issues between science and Western religions, with attention to Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism. […]

2611, 2014

Tenure-Track Assistant Professor Position in Sociology of Religion at University of Oklahoma

The Department of Sociology at the University of Oklahoma invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor position in the sociology of religion to begin August 16, 2015.  The department seeks candidates who can teach in the field of the sociology of religion and who show promise of developing a nationally visible research record.  We are especially interested in applicants whose work in religion intersects with other research areas in […]

2411, 2014

The Psychology of Religion / The Religion of Psychology Conference — University of Chicago

On Friday, March 6th, 2015, the University of Chicago Divinity School and the Martin Marty Center will
host The Psychology of Religion/The Religion of Psychology, a conference exploring the relation between
two problem children of modernity. We welcome contributions from scholars in any discipline whose
research is concerned with the relationship between religion and psychology, from both an historical and a
contemporary perspective.

Call for Papers

2011, 2014

ASR News & Announcements

With the San Francisco meeting now behind us, we are looking ahead to our 2015 meeting in Chicago.  The theme for the 2015 meeting is “Understanding Religious Change.”  Melissa Wilde is the 2015 President, and Grace Yukich is the 2015 Program Chair.  The details of the meeting and the Call for Papers can be viewed on the ASR website at

Our hotel will be the Renaissance Blackstone Chicago […]

2209, 2014

Assistant Professor in the Social Scientific Study of Religions

The Department of Religious Studies at University of California Santa Barbara invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professorship in the social scientific study of religions to begin on July 1, 2015. PhD in Religious Studies, Sociology or related field should be completed by the time of appointment. Area of focus is open, but we prefer candidates whose research interests will complement and/or enhance our  strengths in Religions of North […]

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