CfP: Special Themed Issue “Church.Power.Abuse. Sociological Approaches”
ASREO2023-09-11T18:00:50-04:00Special Themed Issue of the Journal for Religion, Society and Politics
Edited by Udo Kelle, Andreas Schmitz & André Armbruster
This special issue of the Journal for Religion, Society and Politics will adopt a decidedly sociological perspective as a starting point for understanding religious abuse: because abusive practices occur in huge numbers, in many regions of the world, in almost all forms of institutionalized religion, and show similar dimensions and patterns, abusive practices can be understood as recurring, systematic, if not systemic structural moments of institutional and organized religion. Abuse is not a random accident of religion, but religious structures, church systems and culture(s) are themselves conditions and/or forces that enable abuse and (re-)produce abuse […]