20 07, 2019

Davidson College Hiring Quantitative Sociologist


Assistant Professor in Sociology (Quantitative Methods)

The Department of Sociology at Davidson College invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Sociology starting July 1, 2020. Area is open, but the candidate must have expertise in quantitative methods. The successful candidate will teach five courses annually (reduced to four courses in the first year), which includes one introductory social statistics course, one quantitative methods course, and three other courses in areas of the applicant’s expertise.

New sociology courses and potential contributions to Davidson College’s interdisciplinary programs (including Africana Studies, Asian Studies, Environmental Studies, Gender and Sexuality Studies, and Latin American Studies) will be viewed favorably. The position includes mentoring senior thesis projects.

Candidates are expected to be highly committed to excellence in both […]

Davidson College Hiring Quantitative Sociologist2019-07-20T14:26:54-04:00
1 05, 2019

Institute for Advanced Catholic Studies GID Sociology of Religion Program


The Institute for Advanced Catholic Studies at the University of Southern California (USC) is seeking applications for its Generations in Dialogue (GID) program about the Sociology of Religion.

The GID program involves a widely-recognized senior Catholic scholar sharing his or her time, expertise, and wisdom with several junior scholars in the same or related disciplines. Over a two-year period these scholars convene for four weekend dialogues that include discipline-specific discussions, personal reflection, shared prayer, and presentations from distinguished scholars and public intellectuals.  Besides benefiting from two years of mentorship, junior scholars will establish relationships with other dedicated scholars in their field.

A generous stipend is included. Early-career (pre-tenure and dissertation stage) social scientists are eligible. Applications are welcome from […]

Institute for Advanced Catholic Studies GID Sociology of Religion Program2019-05-01T15:37:08-04:00
15 11, 2018

2-Year Visiting Assistant Professor of Sociology at Davidson College




Job no: 492888
Categories: Faculty
Department: Sociology

The Davidson College Department of Sociology invites applications for a two-year Visiting Assistant Professorship beginning July 1, 2019.  Successful candidates will teach 5 courses annually to fulfill needs in the Department: three different courses in areas of sociological expertise, and two different courses in theory, methods or statistics. Favorable consideration will be given to the candidate’s willingness to participate in departmental initiatives that support Sociology and to contribute to the College’s curriculum offering cross-listed courses in Africana Studies and Gender and Sexuality Studies and/or substantive courses that satisfy the Justice, Equality and Community requirement.

Travel and summer research funding are available.

Candidates should possess demonstrated teaching ability, outstanding academic qualifications, and an active research program. The Ph.D. […]

2-Year Visiting Assistant Professor of Sociology at Davidson College2018-11-15T21:32:54-05:00
4 09, 2018

Candler School of Theology, Emory University Seeking Director of Public Theological Education


Candler School of Theology invites applications and nominations for the founding director of a program that will expand theological education beyond the scope of the school’s traditional graduate and professional degrees. The successful candidate will be appointed to a non-tenure track faculty position with a renewable eleven-month contract, will report to Candler’s Dean, and will serve on the Dean’s Council. Both rank and field are open. Preference will be given to complete applications submitted by October 1, 2018.

The landscape of theological education is rapidly shifting, in terms both of the modes of theological education and of the institutions delivering that education. The founding director will lead Candler’s initiatives in partnering with congregations, denominations, NGOs, and other institutions in order to […]

Candler School of Theology, Emory University Seeking Director of Public Theological Education2018-09-04T18:56:16-04:00
21 09, 2016

Assistant Professor of Religion at Amherst College


The Department of Religion seeks a scholar of religion in the Americas for a tenure-track position at the rank of assistant professor, beginning in July 2017.  Within the last decade, Amherst College has profoundly transformed its student body in terms of socioeconomic status, ethnicity, and nationality, among other areas. Today, nearly one-quarter of Amherst’s students are Pell Grant recipients; 44 percent of our students are domestic students of color. Our expectation is that the successful candidate will excel at teaching and mentoring students who are broadly diverse with regard to race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, gender, nationality, sexual orientation, and religion. The candidate’s research and teaching interests should center upon religious traditions as located and developed in the Americas. The candidate […]

Assistant Professor of Religion at Amherst College2016-09-21T01:50:35-04:00
20 09, 2016

Tenure-Track Assistant Professor Position at the University of South Florida


The Department of Sociology at the University of South Florida seeks to fill a 9 month, full-time and tenure-earning, Assistant Professor position to begin fall of 2017.

PhD in Sociology is required.  Applications from individuals who are ABD will be accepted, but the degree must be conferred by appointment start date. Preference will be given to applicants whose research focus includes Global Health, Immigration, and/or Race/Ethnicity, who have a proven record or potential of obtaining external funding, and who have worked with diverse student bodies.

Salary is negotiable. To Apply, please visit http://employment.usf.edu and attach: a cover letter (addressed to Elizabeth Aranda, Search Committee Chair); CV, including the names and contact information for three references; teaching portfolio, including teaching philosophy and […]

Tenure-Track Assistant Professor Position at the University of South Florida2016-09-20T17:26:45-04:00
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