22 02, 2025

CFP for AAR Sociology of Religion Unit – Proposals Due 3/3


The Sociology of Religion Unit of the American Academy of Religion (AAR) is happy to announce our CFP for the AAR Annual Meeting held Nov. 22-25, 2025, in Boston. Proposals are due on March 3, 2024, at 5:00 EST.

For details, visit our Call for Proposals webpage.

Instructions for submitting proposals can be found at the AAR login or in the Instructions document.

We hope you’ll consider submitting a paper, panel, or roundtable proposal. You don’t need to be an AAR member in order to submit a proposal. Need help submitting a proposal? Contact papers_support@aarweb.org.

In addition, we encourage you to submit proposals to the Association for the Sociology of Religion (ASR) annual meeting, held Aug. 6-9 in […]

CFP for AAR Sociology of Religion Unit – Proposals Due 3/32025-02-22T23:43:34-05:00
12 06, 2023

Young Scholars in American Religion announcement


Attention young(er) scholars of American religion: the Center for the Study of Religion and American Culture are inviting applications for the next cohort of Young Scholars of American Religion. Applications due June 20th!

Beginning in the fall of 2023, a series of seminars devoted to the enhancement of teaching and research will be offered in Indianapolis. The aims of all sessions of the program are to develop ideas and methods of teaching in a supportive workshop environment, stimulate scholarly research and writing, and create a community of scholars that will continue into the future.


Young Scholars in American Religion announcement2023-06-12T12:15:50-04:00
16 01, 2023




Università Roma Tre, Dipartimento Scienze della Formazione, via del Castro Pretorio 20, Rome

Organising Committee:

Irena Borowik, Roberto Cipriani, Grace Davie, Enzo Pace, Philippe Portier, Helena Vilaça, Fenggang Yang, Siniša Zrinščak


Wednesday 1st March 2023

9:00 – Introduction by Roberto Cipriani (Roma Tre University)

9:30 – Opening speech by Patrice Brodeur (University of Montreal)

Coffee break

11:00 – Lecture on “Judaism” by Sergio Della Pergola (Hebrew University-Jerusalem)

Discussants: David Meghnagi (Roma Tre University), Ephraim Tabory (Bar-Ilan University-Ramat Gan)

4 02, 2020

SSSR – RRA Call for Proposals


What will you present this year?

The proposal and registration system is officially open for the SSSR+RRA 2020 annual meeting. We will meet October 23 – 25 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at the Westin Hotel. Please visit the annual meeting page to read our call for papers, submit a proposal, and register. We also invite members to submit applications for our grants and awards.

Presentation Formats

The annual meeting will include paper sessions, author meets critics panels, and roundtable sessions. Paper sessions comprise three to four papers and may be proposed as a complete session. Individual paper proposals are built into sessions by the program chairs. Author meets critics panels include the author(s) of a recent book and three to four panelists. Roundtable sessions may be submitted […]

SSSR – RRA Call for Proposals2020-02-04T15:23:52-05:00
4 02, 2020

AAR-Sociology of Religion Call for Proposals


Call for Proposals

The purpose of the Sociology of Religion program Unit of the American Academy of Religion is to bridge the gap and generate cross-fertilization between the Sociology of Religion and Religious Studies. We are open to papers in all areas and therefore encourage submissions of any topic relevant to the sociology of religion. This year, we are particularly interested in the following topics:

  • Topics related to Boston (and the contributions of prominent sociologists in the region)
    • Links between capitalism, consumerism, neoliberalism and climate change issues
    • Conflicting identities (intersectional identities in conflict)
    • Disciplinary boundaries between sociology of religion and religious studies
    • Sociology of knowledge – especially an exploration of the relationship between religion and STEM
    • In anticipation of the 2020 […]
AAR-Sociology of Religion Call for Proposals2020-02-04T15:18:06-05:00
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