18 03, 2025

Announcing the Mentors for the 2025–2027 Young Scholars in American Religion Cohort


2025–2027 Young Scholars in American Religion Mentors

Gerardo Martí

Gerardo Martí is the William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor of Sociology at Davidson College with expertise in race and ethnicity, immigration, religion, political power, and social change. A prolific and award-winning author, he has served as president of both the Association for the Sociology of Religion (ASR) and the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion (SSSR). His current research is funded by a $1 million grant from Lilly Endowment, Inc. and focuses on churches actively confronting racial injustice. His ninth book is under contract with Oxford University Press.

Tisa Wenger

Tisa Wenger is Professor of American Religious History at Yale Divinity School, with secondary appointments in American Studies, History, and Religious Studies at Yale. […]

Announcing the Mentors for the 2025–2027 Young Scholars in American Religion Cohort2025-03-18T16:01:58-04:00
22 02, 2025

CFP for AAR Sociology of Religion Unit – Proposals Due 3/3


The Sociology of Religion Unit of the American Academy of Religion (AAR) is happy to announce our CFP for the AAR Annual Meeting held Nov. 22-25, 2025, in Boston. Proposals are due on March 3, 2024, at 5:00 EST.

For details, visit our Call for Proposals webpage.

Instructions for submitting proposals can be found at the AAR login or in the Instructions document.

We hope you’ll consider submitting a paper, panel, or roundtable proposal. You don’t need to be an AAR member in order to submit a proposal. Need help submitting a proposal? Contact papers_support@aarweb.org.

In addition, we encourage you to submit proposals to the Association for the Sociology of Religion (ASR) annual meeting, held Aug. 6-9 in […]

CFP for AAR Sociology of Religion Unit – Proposals Due 3/32025-02-22T23:43:34-05:00
3 12, 2024

Job Opening: Tenure-Track Assistant Professor of Quantitative Social Science, Stevens Institute of Technology


The School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences at Stevens Institute of Technology is seeking candidates for a full-time, tenure-track appointment as Assistant Professor of Quantitative Social Science (QSS) beginning fall 2025.

Go to Job Listing

Required Education and Experience

We are seeking a colleague with a strong background in quantitative methods to join the growing Bachelor of Science degree program in QSS. Candidates should have a Ph.D. in Psychology, Sociology, Political Science, or a closely related field, with an interdisciplinary research agenda that includes the use of innovative, quantitative approaches to studying social science research questions. Area of research specialization is open.

The ideal candidate will utilize advanced quantitative methods in their research and be able to teach courses in data analysis […]

Job Opening: Tenure-Track Assistant Professor of Quantitative Social Science, Stevens Institute of Technology2024-12-03T17:53:18-05:00
15 10, 2024

Job Opening: Asst. Professor of Sociology, University of South Florida


The Department of Sociology and Interdisciplinary Social Sciences at the University of South Florida seeks candidates who specialize in global and/or comparative sociology to fill a nine-month, full-time, tenure-earning position as Assistant Professor to begin August 7, 2025. This position aligns with our department’s strategic focus on global and transnational processes including citizenship, conflict, migration/immigration, place, politics, power, social movements, and human security. A variety of epistemological and methodological approaches will be considered.

Qualified individuals with diverse experience and backgrounds are encouraged to apply.

Minimum Qualifications: Ph.D. in Sociology from an accredited institution is required. Applications from individuals who are ABD accepted, but the degree must be conferred by appointment start date. Must meet university criteria for the rank of Assistant Professor.

Preferred […]

Job Opening: Asst. Professor of Sociology, University of South Florida2024-10-15T08:17:07-04:00
11 09, 2024

Postdoctoral Scholarship Opportunity in Brazil


The general objective of the project is to verify the applicability in Brazil of the concept of deep equality formulated by Lori Beaman. More specifically, we seek to assess two interrelated questions: 1. how racial, gender and religious conflicts are negotiated in the network of family ties and neighborhood relations; 2. whether these negotiations take place outside and independently of the official political model of pluralism transmitted by public educational institutions. To this end, in-depth interviews will be conducted with members of low-income families in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. These families will be chosen from among those with children who attend religious education classes in public schools.

It is desirable that the candidate has experience in international research collaboration […]

Postdoctoral Scholarship Opportunity in Brazil2024-09-11T11:52:04-04:00
30 07, 2024

Please join me in congratulating our ASR Award Winners:


Lifetime Achievement Award: Robert Wuthnow

Best Sociology of Religion Journal Article Award: Mayrl, Damon. 2023. “The Funk of White Souls: Toward a Du Boisian Theory of the White Church.” Sociology of Religion 84(1):16–41.

Best Sociology of Religion Journal Article Award Honorable Mention: Rogińska, Maria. 2023. “The Religious Imaginary and the Repressive State.” Sociology of Religion 84(4):383–405.

McNamara Student Paper Award: Tessa Huttenlocher for the paper, “The Disaffiliation of American Religious Colleges and Universities, 1895-1923.”


Here’s a couple of reminders regarding our conference in Montreal next month:

  • If you haven’t already done so, please register for the conference ASAP. You can do so by logging into your ASR account and clicking the register for a conference button. If you aren’t able to log into your […]
Please join me in congratulating our ASR Award Winners:2024-07-30T11:30:05-04:00
9 06, 2024

Call for proposals:  ASR book series “Religion and the Social Order”


General Editor: Abby Day, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK

Editorial Committee: Lori Beaman, University of Ottawa, Canada, Michele Dillon, University of New Hampshire, USA, David Herbert, University of Bergen, Norway, Roberta Ricucci, University of Turin, Italy, Federico Settler, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, Rhys Williams, Loyola University, Chicago, USA, and Melissa M. Wilcox, University of California at Riverside, USA.

The series welcomes manuscripts – monographs or edited volumes – addressing a particular set of current interests within the sociology of religion. It specifically aims to advance theory and research within this field of study. Contributors to the series will be or are expected to become Association for the Sociology of Religion (ASR) members. The series seeks to publish at least one volume […]

Call for proposals:  ASR book series “Religion and the Social Order”2024-06-09T16:22:17-04:00
9 06, 2024

Institute for Religion, Culture and Societal Futures (IRCSF)


We have some good news for the social scientific and empirical study of religion! Carol Ann MacGregor, Galen Watts and myself (Sarah Wilkins-LaFlamme) are very pleased to announce the launch of a new Canadian initiative, in partnership with St-Jerome’s University and the University of Waterloo: the Institute for Religion, Culture and Societal Futures (IRCSF).

The Institute for Religion, Culture and Societal Futures (IRCSF) aims to be a new hub for social scientific and empirical research related to religion, spirituality, and emerging forms of communities of belief and practice. The IRCSF is non-partisan, and brings together both resident and visiting scholars working in the fields of sociology of religion and the social scientific study of religion to support undergraduate and graduate students, researchers, community […]

Institute for Religion, Culture and Societal Futures (IRCSF)2024-06-09T16:18:48-04:00
23 05, 2024

Conference acceptance decisions will be made by May 31st


This is a general email to all ASR constituents. If you are not participating in the 2024 conference in Montreal, you can disregard this email. If you submitted a session or paper abstract for consideration for the 2024 conference, please know those decisions will be made by May 31. For any questions, contact Co-Program Chair, Andrea Henderson, at AKHENDER@mailbox.sc.edu. You can learn more about the conference by visiting the annual meeting page on the ASR website.

Registration for our 2024 annual meeting in Montreal is now open. Log into your ASR account on the ASR website and click the Register for a Conference button. You can make your room reservations here. Be sure to use group code: ASR0822 to get the conference […]

Conference acceptance decisions will be made by May 31st2024-05-23T17:17:30-04:00
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