13 02, 2015

Call for Papers from journal Sociology of Religion for Advanced Graduate Students


The editors of Sociology of Religion: A Quarterly Review are now soliciting essays (25 page maximum or 7,000 words, all inclusive) built on dissertations in process. Focused on advanced graduate students, the essay should speak specifically to your scholarship, yet generally to sociologists interested in religion by presenting a central idea of relevance to our readership. In addition, the essay should also reflect on the process of developing as a sociologist whose scholarship includes a clear focus on religion, which may include observations on how “sociology of religion” as a sub-field is currently being shaped, where it is heading, why that matters, etc. While the essay may address one’s own experiences and in the first person, all aspects of the essay should remain of relevance and interest […]

Call for Papers from journal Sociology of Religion for Advanced Graduate Students2015-02-13T19:11:45-05:00
20 11, 2014

ASR News & Announcements


With the San Francisco meeting now behind us, we are looking ahead to our 2015 meeting in Chicago.  The theme for the 2015 meeting is “Understanding Religious Change.”  Melissa Wilde is the 2015 President, and Grace Yukich is the 2015 Program Chair.  The details of the meeting and the Call for Papers can be viewed on the ASR website at www.sociologyofreligion.com.

Our hotel will be the Renaissance Blackstone Chicago Hotel, which is located at 636 South Michigan Ave., right next door to the main ASA hotel, the Hilton Chicago.  We will continue our two-day meeting pattern, with the ASA Religion Section meeting the day following.  This means that our opening night reception will be on Thursday, August 20th, our sessions […]

ASR News & Announcements2014-11-20T23:07:56-05:00
16 06, 2014

2014 Election Results


I am happy to announce the election results for 2014.

ASR’s President-Elect will be Lori Beaman of the University of Ottawa. Lori will begin her role as President-Elect at the end of this year’s Annual Meeting when our current President-Elect, Melissa Wilde, succeeds Christopher Ellison as the President of ASR.

We also have three newly elected Council Members, whose 3-year terms begin at the end of this year’s Annual Meeting and run until 2017.  They are Richard Flory, University of Southern California, Giuseppe Giordan, University of Padua (Italy), and Milagros Pena, University of Florida.  To learn more about the newly elected Council members, visit their profiles on the ASR website.

Congratulations to Lori, Richard, Milly, and Giuseppe, and many […]

2014 Election Results2014-06-16T17:49:45-04:00
10 06, 2014

ASR News & Announcements


Preparations for this summer’s annual ASR Meeting running from August 13th-15th in San Francisco are now in full swing.  We will begin with a Welcoming Reception on the evening of Wednesday, August 13th, during which we will celebrate the publication of the 24th volume of the Religion and the Social Order series (co-published by ASR and Brill) and announce the winners of our awards and our newly elected officers.  The Presidential Address will be given by Christopher Ellison of the University of Texas at San Antonio on the evening of August 14th, and the Furfey Lecture will be delivered by Neal Krause of the University of Michigan on the evening of August 15th.  The ASA Sociology of Religion Section day […]

ASR News & Announcements2014-06-10T19:54:26-04:00
12 02, 2014

ASR News & Announcements


Greetings of the New Year! This issue of News & Announcements reports some exciting new developments in our Association as we mark our 76th anniversary and the 75th anniversary of our journal. Before I get to those developments, let me share with you the details of this year’s Annual Meeting so you can start making plans now to join us as a presenter, convener, or attendee. As always, we will be delighted to have you with us.

This year’s meeting will be held August 13-15, 2014, at the stunning JW Marriott San Francisco Union Square, located just two blocks from the ASA hotels in the cultural heart of the city. As usual, we will begin our meeting with an Opening Night […]

ASR News & Announcements2014-02-12T20:50:55-05:00
19 01, 2013

ASR’s News & Announcements


2013 marks the 75th anniversary of the Association for the Sociology of Religion, and we’re planning to use our meeting in Manhattan this year to celebrate.  Our hotel will be the Doubletree Metropolitan, which is part of the Hilton group in New York City, and we were able to get a phenomenal rate — just $179/night for rooms with one queen- or king-sized bed, and just $199/night for rooms with two beds.  In addition to these excellent rates, the hotel threw in free WiFi and assured us that there will be no extra charges for additional occupants of the rooms.  So the Doubletree is definitely the place to be in August!

We will continue the two-day meeting pattern we initiated in […]

ASR’s News & Announcements2013-01-19T02:49:27-05:00
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