18 03, 2025

Announcing the Mentors for the 2025–2027 Young Scholars in American Religion Cohort


2025–2027 Young Scholars in American Religion Mentors

Gerardo Martí

Gerardo Martí is the William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor of Sociology at Davidson College with expertise in race and ethnicity, immigration, religion, political power, and social change. A prolific and award-winning author, he has served as president of both the Association for the Sociology of Religion (ASR) and the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion (SSSR). His current research is funded by a $1 million grant from Lilly Endowment, Inc. and focuses on churches actively confronting racial injustice. His ninth book is under contract with Oxford University Press.

Tisa Wenger

Tisa Wenger is Professor of American Religious History at Yale Divinity School, with secondary appointments in American Studies, History, and Religious Studies at Yale. […]

Announcing the Mentors for the 2025–2027 Young Scholars in American Religion Cohort2025-03-18T16:01:58-04:00
10 03, 2025

Call for Nominations 2026 Boniuk Institute Senior Scholar


Call for Nominations

2026 Boniuk Institute Senior Scholar

Nominations are invited for the 2026 Boniuk Institute Senior Scholar. The Boniuk Institute for the Study and Advancement of Religious Tolerance’s Senior Scholar Award is given annually to the senior scholar who has made outstanding contributions to the public understanding of religious pluralism and tolerance, and who most exemplifies Boniuk Institute’s mission to understand the conditions which lead to religious pluralism, conflict, and violence, and help people apply its findings in their lives and communities.

The Senior Scholar will join the Boniuk Institute at Rice University in the Spring of 2026 for about three days, where they will participate in a variety of Institute programs, including the official award ceremony event. At this event, […]

Call for Nominations 2026 Boniuk Institute Senior Scholar2025-03-10T10:02:10-04:00
4 03, 2025

SSSR Executive Officer Position


Dear Colleagues,

The Society for the Scientific Study of Religion (SSSR) seeks a dynamic and innovative leader to serve as its next Executive Officer. The SSSR is an interdisciplinary academic association that stimulates, promotes, and communicates social scientific research about religious institutions and experiences. SSSR was founded at Harvard University in 1949 as the Committee for the Social Scientific Study of Religion. From 1951 to 1956, the organization was called the Committee for the Scientific Study of Religion, and, with membership numbering in the hundreds, the change to the present name was made at the end of 1956. Today SSSR fosters interdisciplinary dialogue and collaboration among more than a thousand scholars from sociology, religious and secular studies, psychology, political science, economics, […]

SSSR Executive Officer Position2025-03-04T14:19:55-05:00
3 02, 2025

Visiting Assistant Professor of Sociology


Lafayette College Department of Anthropology and Sociology

Visiting Assistant Professor of Sociology

The Department of Anthropology and Sociology at Lafayette College invites applications for a one-year visiting assistant professor position in Sociology for the academic year 2025-2026. We seek candidates with a strong commitment to high quality undergraduate education to teach Introduction to Sociology and elective courses that fit within the department’s curriculum and their substantive areas of expertise. Area specialties in health, race and ethnicity, migration, labor, religion, and methods are welcome, but all areas will be considered. This is a full-time appointment with a 3/3 teaching load. A PhD is required, but ABD candidates with […]

Visiting Assistant Professor of Sociology2025-02-03T10:54:31-05:00
28 08, 2024

Katz Center Fellowships for 2025-26


The Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies at the University of Pennsylvania is offering residential fellowships for their 2025–26 year, with the theme: New Frontiers in Contemporary Jewish Life: Cultural Expansions, Encounters, and Experiments. (Click this link for full information.)

The Center supports individual research projects while encouraging conversation and collaboration through seminars, conferences, and other forms of intellectual exchange. The fellowship is open to scholars from across the globe and at all career levels from newly minted Ph.D.s to senior scholars. The Katz Center welcomes proposals coming from any disciplinary perspective, including anthropologysociology, history, education studies, ethics, religious studies, political science, […]

Katz Center Fellowships for 2025-262024-08-28T09:51:16-04:00
10 10, 2023

Job opening: Assistant Professor in Urban Religions


Assistant Professor in Urban Religions – Position # 53620

 The Department of Religious Studies in Dedman College of Humanities and Sciences at Southern Methodist University invites applications for a tenure track position in Urban Religions at the rank of Assistant Professor. The position requires residency in Dallas and begins August 1, 2024.

As one of eight tenure-line positions associated with Southern Methodist University’s faculty cluster in urban research, this position offers opportunities for rich interdisciplinary connections among new and existing SMU faculty [https://www.smu.edu/Dedman/Research/Clusters]. The cluster fosters research on cities and urbanization from local and global perspectives. SMU’s location in Dallas, the fourth largest metropolitan area in the country, is an ideal setting for studying the […]

Job opening: Assistant Professor in Urban Religions2023-10-10T08:14:27-04:00
7 08, 2023

BU School of Theology job posting


Assistant Professor of Religion and Society, School of Theology

Job Description

BOSTON UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY invites applications for a full-time tenure track assistant professor position in religion and society or practical theology, with a specialization in Black Church Studies and/or African American religious communities. Competence with social-scientific research methodologies is central to this position, with a preference for scholars who have experience with ethnographic methods, especially emerging forms such as hybrid and digital ethnography.

Click here for full description and application directions

BU School of Theology job posting2023-08-07T14:22:07-04:00
16 05, 2021

Colby College


One-year Visiting Assistant Professor in African American Studies

Colby College

Waterville, ME

The African-American Studies Program at Colby College invites applications for a one-year (possibly renewable) visiting Assistant Professorship, beginning July 1, 2021. While a Ph.D. is preferred, an advanced ABD will be considered. 

We seek a scholar whose research specialties and teaching experience focus on African-American social life and culture in the United States. Teaching experience, highly relevant innovative research, and significant organizational, cultural, or civic engagement with African-American communities in the United States are necessary.  The successful candidate will be expected to teach a course on African-American culture in the United States, and three […]

Colby College2021-05-16T15:13:22-04:00
14 10, 2020

Candler School of Theology, Faculty Position – Pastoral Care and Counseling


Candler School of Theology invites applications and nominations for a tenure-track position in Pastoral Care and Counseling with a focus on chaplaincy to begin in the Fall of 2021.  Appointments can be made at any rank including Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Professor.

The successful candidate will have a well-defined research focus within the field of pastoral care, pastoral theology, chaplaincy studies, spiritual care, pastoral counseling, or a closely related discipline alongside a demonstrated capacity to lead an emerging program in chaplaincy at Candler. The new concentration in chaplaincy prepares M.Div. students for spiritual care in a variety of settings including clinical, criminal justice, military, and educational settings.  The candidate will hold a Ph.D. or Th.D. in the field by the […]

Candler School of Theology, Faculty Position – Pastoral Care and Counseling2020-10-14T10:38:28-04:00
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