ASR News2023-02-01T22:50:19-05:00

802, 2024

CFP for Sociology of Religion at the Nov 2024 AAR

We are happy to announce our CFP for the AAR Annual Meeting in San Diego during Nov. 23-26, 2024. Proposals are due on February 29, 2024, at 5:00 EST.   You can find our CFP below or visit our webpage here:

Instructions for submitting proposals can be found here:

We hope you’ll consider submitting a paper, panel, or roundtable proposal. You don’t need to be an […]

1501, 2024

January Message from the ASR Executive Officer

From ASR Executive Officer Rachel Kraus
January 15, 2024

Happy New Year! The ASR wishes you and yours a very happy and healthy 2024. I am writing with important information about our conference, submissions, and grants/awards.

  1. We are now accepting paper abstracts, mini workshops, and complete session proposals for our 2024 conference in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. For any questions, contact the C0-Program Chairs, Andrea Henderson-Platt ( & Aida Ramos. You […]
901, 2024

2024 ASR Theme: “Religion & Intersectionality”; ASR Grants and Awards

The theme for this year’s annual meeting is “Religion and Intersectionality.” The meeting will be held August 9-11, 2024 at the Hotel Monville in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.  Our President, Grace Yukich, and Co-Program Chairs, Andrea Henderson-Platt and Aida Ramos, have promised to make this year’s meeting unique in terms of both its intellectual content and social gatherings.  We can look forward to unique sessions, workshops, our Presidential and Furfey […]

3012, 2023

Consider a Tax-Deductible Gift to the ASR

In 2023, the Association for the Sociology of Religion (ASR) celebrated 85 years of advancing theory and scholarship in the sociology of religion. As we emerge from the disruptions of a global pandemic and strategize for the coming year, we ask that you consider contributing a tax-deductible financial donation as part of your year-end giving to support the mission of ASR.

Just in this past year, we celebrate:

  • A successful annual […]
2911, 2023

Job Opening, University of Hawaii at Hilo

University of Hawai’i at Hilo, Instructor of Sociology (#82821)

Position Description
UH-Hilo, College of Arts & Sciences, non-tenure-track, general funds, full-time, nine-month appointment to begin approximately August 2024, pending position clearance and availability of funding.

Teach courses in Sociology (12 credits per semester). Provide academic advising to students. Engage in scholarly activities, and/or creative endeavors which contribute to the mission of the University. Participate in department, academic, university and community service.

Minimum Qualifications
ABD […]

1010, 2023

Job opening: Assistant Professor in Urban Religions

Assistant Professor in Urban Religions – Position # 53620

 The Department of Religious Studies in Dedman College of Humanities and Sciences at Southern Methodist University invites applications for a tenure track position in Urban Religions at the rank of Assistant Professor. The position requires residency in Dallas and begins August 1, 2024.

As one of eight tenure-line positions associated with Southern Methodist University’s faculty cluster […]

1109, 2023

ASR News and Announcements 9/1/2023

ASR News & Announcements

Rachel Kraus, Executive Officer

In many ways, the Association for the Sociology of Religion has enjoyed much success over the past year and is in excellent shape as we enter 2024.  Our 84th annual meeting was a great success.  Highlights of this year’s meeting included Gerardo Martí’s Presidential Address, “Racial […]

1109, 2023

CfP: Special Themed Issue “Church.Power.Abuse. Sociological Approaches”

Special Themed Issue of the Journal for Religion, Society and Politics

Edited by Udo Kelle, Andreas Schmitz & André Armbruster

This special issue of the Journal for Religion, Society and Politics will adopt a decidedly sociological perspective as a starting point for understanding religious abuse: because abusive practices occur in huge numbers, in many regions of the world, in almost all forms of institutionalized […]

1108, 2023

Postdoctoral Fellow Position

Postdoctoral Fellow Position

The Center for the Study of Religion and American Culture at IUPUI invites applications for a full-time Postdoctoral Fellow research position. The appointment is for one year with an option for renewal, which is preferred. The target start date is January 1, 2024.

Project description: The position is part of a five-year collaborative project between the Center for the Study of Religion and American Culture at IUPUI and […]

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