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11 03, 2022

Post Doctoral Fellowships Announcement


Appointment Status:  Non-Tenure Track

The Hartford Institute for Religion Research invites applications for two Postdoctoral Fellowships at Hartford International University for Religion and Peace (formerly Hartford Seminary). These appointments are for two years, with the possibility of an extension.  The start date is as soon as possible or June 1, 2022. We seek applications from scholars whose research addresses issues at the intersection of religion and congregational research. We are looking for persons who are adept in both quantitative and qualitative skills, and hope to hire two postdocs with one specializing in each research approach. These positions are part of an on-going national study of congregational life and the impact of the Pandemic on churches entitled […]

Post Doctoral Fellowships Announcement2022-03-11T14:38:04-05:00
11 03, 2022

Call for Applications: Post-Doctural Research Associates


Post-Doctoral Research Associates

The Center on Religion and the Global East at Purdue University invites applications for four one-year postdoctoral research positions: 
Post Doctoral Research Associate — Japanese Christianity
Post Doctoral Research Associate — Korean Christianity
Post Doctoral Research Associate — Social Survey in East Asia
Post Doctoral Research Associate — GIS and Spatial Studies

These positions start as early as July 1, 2022 and are renewable for a second year. Review of applications will begin on March 15, 2022 and will continue until the position is filled.
These post-doctoral positions are embedded in the funded multi-national project “Global East Religiosity and Changing Religious Landscapes,” which […]
Call for Applications: Post-Doctural Research Associates2022-03-11T14:28:20-05:00
5 01, 2022

ASR Book Discussion: Tahseen Shams’ “Here, There, and Elsewhere”


ASR Book Discussion: Tahseen Shams’ “Here, There, and Elsewhere : The Making of Immigrant Identities in a Globalizing World”

Join us for a discussion of Tahseen Shams’ award-winning book, Here, There, and Elsewhere: The Making of Immigrant Identities in a Globalizing World (Stanford, 2020). In it, she draws on ethnographic data, interviews, and South Asian Muslim Americans’ social media activities to show how different dimensions of their ethnic and religious identities connect them to different elsewheres beyond their host country and their countries of origin. In doing so, she shows how immigrants are vectors of globalization, who both produce and experience their various societies’ interconnectedness.

Dr. Shams will speak for about 20 […]

ASR Book Discussion: Tahseen Shams’ “Here, There, and Elsewhere”2023-07-03T16:10:15-04:00
5 01, 2022

Seeking New Editor for Sociology of Religion


Call for Applications: Editor of Sociology of Religion
Submission Deadline: August 1st, 2022

The Association for the Sociology of Religion (ASR) invites applications for the position Editor of
ASR’s journal, Sociology of Religion. The journal has a distinguished record of publishing
exceptional sociological research on all facets of religion and spirituality, along with a robust
two-year (3.476) impact factor, placing it as the top journal in the sociology of religion, and a
top 25 journal in sociology more broadly.

The journal is published by Oxford University Press on a quarterly basis and is highly
competitive, with an 11% acceptance rate and around 200 manuscripts submitted annually. The
journal is also highly efficient, […]

Seeking New Editor for Sociology of Religion2023-07-03T16:09:47-04:00
11 07, 2021

Fellowship opportunity in public scholarship


PRRI (Public Religion Research Institute), a Washington, DC-based non-profit, non-partisan research organization focused on the intersection of religion, politics and culture, is seeking a diverse cohort of 16 PRRI Public Fellows who are engaged in public scholarship for the 2021-2022 academic year.  The non-residential, 10-month renewable fellowship includes a $5,000 annual stipend, access to additional funding for course buyouts, and four annual microgrants of $12,000 each for new interdisciplinary scholarly projects within the cohort.   

PRRI will select four Public Fellows from each of the following areas of scholarship that align with the organization’s ongoing research: religious, racial, and ethnic pluralism; racial justice; immigration and migration studies; and LGBTQ rights.  Additional information is available on […]

Fellowship opportunity in public scholarship2021-07-11T20:13:12-04:00
16 05, 2021

Colby College


One-year Visiting Assistant Professor in African American Studies

Colby College

Waterville, ME

The African-American Studies Program at Colby College invites applications for a one-year (possibly renewable) visiting Assistant Professorship, beginning July 1, 2021. While a Ph.D. is preferred, an advanced ABD will be considered. 

We seek a scholar whose research specialties and teaching experience focus on African-American social life and culture in the United States. Teaching experience, highly relevant innovative research, and significant organizational, cultural, or civic engagement with African-American communities in the United States are necessary.  The successful candidate will be expected to teach a course on African-American culture in the United States, and three […]

Colby College2021-05-16T15:13:22-04:00
22 02, 2021

ASR News and Announcements


The theme for this year’s annual meeting is “Communicating Religion’s Relevance.” In light of the pandemic, our meeting will be a virtual one August 7-9, 2021.  Our President, James C. Cavendish, and Program Chair, Brian Starks, have promised to make this year’s meeting unique in terms of both its intellectual content and social gatherings.  We can look forward to unique Presidential sessions, our Presidential and Furfey lectures, and receptions.  In addition to our regular sessions and speakers, the Program Committee is working to provide a virtual café where people can visit and network.  Be sure to check the website (www.sociologyofreligion.com) for submitting completed sessions, paper abstracts, and meeting registration.

Keep an eye out for the ASR elections.  We will elect three […]

ASR News and Announcements2021-02-22T17:52:13-05:00
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