15 09, 2016

Reformation Reverberations: Consequences & Challenges of Change at Azusa Pacific University, Azusa, California


Azusa Pacific University in Azusa, California will hold this cross-discipline conference October 12-14, 2017. The conference theme is “Reformation Reverberations:  Consequences & Challenges of Change.” The plenary speakers will be Mia M. Mochizuki, Associate Professor of the History of Art (New York University, Abu Dhabi and Institute of Fine Arts) and Brad S. Gregory, Dorothy G. Griffin Professor of Early Modern European History (University of Notre Dame). The conference invites participation from a wide array of disciplines, including but not limited to religious studies, theology, history, literature, philosophy, sociology, psychology, music, and art.  The conference welcomes papers dealing with the socio-historical impact of the Reformation, the intellectual conundrums posed and answered by reformers and their counterparts, the questions of social […]

Reformation Reverberations: Consequences & Challenges of Change at Azusa Pacific University, Azusa, California2016-09-15T18:45:53-04:00
11 09, 2016

Survey Construction Opportunity for Graduate Students


To Graduate Students interested in studying campus ministry,

A national study of Catholic Campus Ministry has been sponsored by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops.  Brian Starks is the PI for the study.  The full research team will meet at the University of Notre Dame in October to design survey instruments, with plans to conduct two national surveys in Spring 2017.

There is an opportunity for one select graduate student to gain a seat at the table in the construction of the survey and its implementation!  Graduate student access to data and ability to use for dissertation research is the major benefit.  Please contact Brian Starks at bstarks3@kennesaw.edu if interested.

Survey Construction Opportunity for Graduate Students2016-09-11T16:16:30-04:00
25 08, 2016

The Global Religion Research Initiative of Notre Dame’s Center for the Study of Religion and Society


The Center for the Study of Religion and Society in the Department of Sociology at the University of Notre Dame is pleased to announce the launch of the Global Religion Research Initiative (GRRI), directed by Christian Smith and funded by the Templeton Religion Trust of Nassau, Bahamas.  The GRRI will fund over 150 research proposals by distributing $3.1 million to scholars of global religion over the next three years.

The Global Religion Research Initiative of Notre Dame’s Center for the Study of Religion and Society2016-08-25T03:24:28-04:00
25 08, 2016

The Louisville Institute Announces its Grant Programs, includings its Dissertation Fellowships and Project Grants for Researchers


The Louisville Institute offers four grant programs supporting religious and theological scholarship among pastors, academics, and researchers for the broader church. The Project Grant for Researchers (PGR) program awards grants up to $25,000 to support a diverse range of projects that may involve independent study, consultations, or collaborative research between pastors and academics. Application Deadline: October 1

The Louisville Institute Announces its Grant Programs, includings its Dissertation Fellowships and Project Grants for Researchers2016-08-25T03:22:04-04:00
12 05, 2016

Visiting Instructor Position in Religious Studies at the University of South Florida in Tampa


The Department of Religious Studies at the University of South Florida seeks an outstanding university instructor to fill a 9-month Visiting Instructor position beginning Fall 2016 with the possible extension for a second and/or third year.  Candidates must have: a Ph.D. in Religious Studies or a discipline that contributes to the interdisciplinary field of Religious Studies; a substantial amount of teaching experience at a large, diverse university; and evidence of excellence in teaching high-enrolling courses while managing a high course load (4-4) over several years.  Preference will be given to candidates with experience teaching Caribbean religions, World Religions, religious ethics, and religion and film, and who have substantial background in student recruitment. The teaching load will generally be 4 courses […]

Visiting Instructor Position in Religious Studies at the University of South Florida in Tampa2016-05-12T16:17:05-04:00
24 03, 2016

ASR News & Announcements


In many ways, the Association for the Sociology of Religion is poised to embark on a very bright future.  The planning for our 2016 meeting in Seattle — “Exploring Diversity: Varieties of Religion and Nonreligion” — is well underway, the Council just voted in support of retaining Oxford University Press as the publisher of our journal and Gerardo Mardi as its editor, and the Association has announced openings of two of its leadership positions — the editor position for our book series Religion and the Social Order and the Executive Officer position.

Annual Meeting

The 2016 Annual Meeting is being organized by our President, Lori Beaman, and our Program Chair, Ryan Cragun.  Our hotel will be the Renaissance Seattle Hotel, which is […]

ASR News & Announcements2016-03-24T00:50:52-04:00
12 09, 2015

ASR News & Announcements


By all measures, our 77th annual meeting in Chicago this year was a great success.  Highlights of this year’s meeting included Melissa Wilde’s Presidential Address, “Complex Religion: Interrogating Assumptions of Independence in the Study of Religion,” Mike Hout’s Furfey Lecture “St. Peter’s Leaky Boat: Falling Intergenerational Persistence of U.S.-Born Catholics Since 1972” (In honor of the late Andrew M Greeley), a special Presidential Panel on Religion and Gender, and two ASR/ASA Joint Sessions.  The annual meeting also featured a newly initiated Graduate Student Mentoring Lunch, and review panels for each of the two newly released volumes of our Religion and the Social Order book series – Volume 25, Sociologies of Religion: National Traditions, edited by Giuseppe Giordan and Anthony J. […]

ASR News & Announcements2015-09-12T03:52:26-04:00
7 08, 2015

Position Announcement: Executive Officer of the Association for the Sociology of Religion


The Association for the Sociology of Religion (ASR) is seeking an Executive Officer to serve a four-year term beginning August, 2016. The person we seek should be familiar with and committed to the work of the Association and should be able to organize and maintain an efficient office in support of its mission. The Executive Officer’s major responsibilities include choosing hotels for the annual meetings and managing logistical aspects of those meetings; working closely with the Program Chair to construct and produce the meeting program; managing ASR’s finances; processing memberships; providing administrative support to the ASR Council, Officers, and committees; running annual elections; maintaining and improving the ASR website; and communicating appropriately with ASR members.

Compensation will be established by the Executive Council […]

Position Announcement: Executive Officer of the Association for the Sociology of Religion2015-08-07T20:47:07-04:00
23 05, 2015

ASR News & Announcements – 2015 Elections and Awards


This year’s annual meeting will be held August 20-22, 2015, at an elegant hotel with a notorious history — the Renaissance Blackstone Chicago Hotel, located immediately north of the ASA’s Hilton Chicago and overlooking the Buckingham Fountain, Grant Park, and Lake Michigan.  The hotel features a tapas restaurant, stylish rooms, and a grand Crystal Ballroom.  Since its opening in 1910, many famous – and not so famous – figures have visited the hotel, including several U.S. presidents, business magnets, philanthropists, and movie stars.  It was also a frequent hangout of mob boss Al Capone.  As usual, we will begin our meeting with an Opening Night Reception on Thursday, August 20, which will include not only the unveiling of new ASR […]

ASR News & Announcements – 2015 Elections and Awards2015-05-23T17:00:20-04:00
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