ASR News2023-02-01T22:50:19-05:00

1109, 2014

The Science of Hope and Optimism Funding Initiative

We are pleased to announce a $1.4 million funding initiative for new research in the social sciences on hope and optimism. We encourage proposals for research using a variety of methods from new and established scientists on these topics. We especially welcome applications from researchers in cognitive, developmental, personality, health and social psychology, as well as sociology. Interdisciplinary teams that include members from cognate areas – e.g. cognitive science, […]

1606, 2014

2014 Election Results

I am happy to announce the election results for 2014.

ASR’s President-Elect will be Lori Beaman of the University of Ottawa. Lori will begin her role as President-Elect at the end of this year’s Annual Meeting when our current President-Elect, Melissa Wilde, succeeds Christopher Ellison as the President of ASR.

We also have three newly elected Council Members, whose 3-year terms begin at the end of this year’s Annual Meeting and […]

1006, 2014

ASR News & Announcements

Preparations for this summer’s annual ASR Meeting running from August 13th-15th in San Francisco are now in full swing.  We will begin with a Welcoming Reception on the evening of Wednesday, August 13th, during which we will celebrate the publication of the 24th volume of the Religion and the Social Order series (co-published by ASR and Brill) and announce the winners of our awards and our newly elected officers.  […]

606, 2014

Conference Invitation: “The Holy in a Pluralistic World: Rudolf Otto’s Legacy in the 21st Century,” November 5-6, 2014

CONFERENCE INVITATION | “The Holy in a Pluralistic World: Rudolf Otto’s Legacy in the 21st Century” | UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN | 5-6 November 2014

Rudolf Otto, author of the classic “The Idea of the Holy” (org. 1917; Eng. trans., 1923), is best known today for his analysis of numinous experience — he coined the word “numinous” — as a mysterium tremendum et fascinans. He was also one of the most […]

3005, 2014

Research Associate Position at the USC Center for Religion and Civic Culture (CRCC)

The University of Southern California (USC), founded in 1880, is located in the heart of downtown L.A. and is the largest private employer in the City of Los Angeles. As an employee of USC, you will be a part of a world-class research university and a member of the “Trojan Family,” which is comprised of the faculty, students and staff that make the university what it is.

The USC Center for Religion and Civic Culture […]

605, 2014

Research Assistant Position at the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) at Georgetown University

The Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) at Georgetown University is seeking a research assistant to join an interdisciplinary team of researchers who conduct social scientific research related to the Catholic Church.  The position involves working with staff researchers on survey research and data analysis and requires strong analytical and writing skills.  Applicants with a bachelors or masters in social sciences and knowledge about the […]

605, 2014

Research Associate Position at the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) at Georgetown University

The Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) at Georgetown University is seeking a research associate to join an interdisciplinary team of researchers who conduct social scientific research related to the Catholic Church.  The position involves survey and/or demographic research and data analysis and requires strong analytical and writing skills.  Applicants with a Ph.D. in sociology, political science, demography, economics, psychology, or education and knowledge about […]

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